by Chris Ellis | Feb 11, 2014 | Newsletter
[center][size=16pt][b]”Change Before You Have To” ~Jack Welch[/b][/size] [/center] [center][size=14pt][b]Feathercoin Key Stats[/b][/size] [b]300 days since genesis block creation Approx. 32,900,000 Feathercoins created Approx. 14 days behind target...
by feathercoin | Oct 15, 2013 | Newsletter
“Courage is always original” ~Wittgenstein Feathercoin Key Stats 181 days since genesis block creation Approx. 19,300,000 Feathercoins created Approx. 13.5 days behind target generation rate There is not a lack of jobs in the world, there’s a lack of...
by feathercoin | Oct 8, 2013 | Newsletter
Move fast and break things Feathercoin Key Stats 174 days since genesis block creation Approx. 18,540,000 Feathercoins created Approx. 13.4 days behind target generation rate In a recent interview with The Atlantic Zuckerberg was talking about the work he was doing...
by feathercoin | Oct 1, 2013 | Newsletter
Survival is the best revenge Feathercoin Key Stats 167 days since genesis block creation Approx. 17,700,000 Feathercoins created Approx. 13.4 days behind target generation rate The Romans were secure enough with their identity that they did not at all mind copying the...