
Feathercoin Official Weekly Update #27

Tuesday 8th April 2014



Feathercoin Key Stats
356 days since genesis block creation
Approx. 39,000,000 of Feathercoins created
Approx. 16.27 days behind target generation rate

Feathercoin is almost a year old, we said from early on that we believed the most important feature of any currency was survivability. People want to know that you’re going to stick around because if their currency doesn’t hold its value it’s not much use as money.

I don’t think a crypto currency is about trying to take over the world and become the new Dollar. The opposite of a global super power is not another global super power. I think a good crypto is backed against its people and their ability to care, a well distributed Blockchain can never die, the mathematics in the protocol gives it a resilience but it’s up to us to provide the passion and enthusiasm.

Feathercoin 1st Birthday Bash

by Uncle_Muddy


We want your ideas for our Birthday bash on 26th April at the Oxford Blue, tell us how we should celebrate over here on the thread. But just to wet your whistle, we have managed to secure a barrel of fine ale as part of the Prostate Cancer UK fund raiser, so will be selling FeatherAle over the weekend! So not only can you pay with feathercoins, you can also drink a pint of our very own beer!
There are a few of us going to get together for a quite drink on the Friday evening at the pub, and then the main event takes place on the Saturday. We are still working on some of the finer details of the Saturday but rest assured that we will have plenty going on. So please feel free to pop in and see us if your in the area, and if your not keep an eye open for information on live streams from the event.

Wallet Feature Enhancement

by @Uncle_Muddy

A conversation between Claire and Bushstar, came up with the idea of adding the ability to import a key via QRCode to the feathercoin-QT wallet via the webcam. Now for those of you that use paper wallets you’ll realize just how useful this can be. So Claire set about doing some work and here is the result

Claire’s implementation using Legocoin via the screen capture

We are looking into adding this exciting new feature to the next wallet release and will keep you updated on the progress as it happens.

Brave New Coin

by ChrisJ

The guys from Brave New Coin joined us this morning to tell us about their new website which tracks key economic data about crypto currencies. The goal is to create a platform which gives reliable information about a range of cryptos including Feathercoin.


Click on the arrow on the right column and it includes Market Cap, Price and Volume. There’s also a neat Export button on the top right of the graph.

The vision at Brave New Coin is to be transparent about the way the data is collected and displayed. Many other data aggregation services are not up front with way the data is sliced. They seem to have the team to support the project so I look forward to seeing how they progress with it.

For a long time sites like Crypto Coin Charts and Coin Market Cap have been the go to sources for information but I think it’s important that new entrants enter this domain as otherwise we risk centralising our information flow. I am sure the guys would appreciate some feedback you can hit them up on Twitter @bravenewcoin.

Merchant Watch

by Ruthie



Newlodge.com an on-line electrical superstore where you can buy the latest top brand electrical devices and appliances at the best possible prices. No matter whether you are a pro, a techie, a hobbyist or a business customer, when it comes to electronics and household technology, we provide ideas and practical solutions around the clock. We have a huge range of product, available by mail order.
Newlodge.com have always been a proud advocate and support of high quality open source systems and for this and many other reason we are pleased to announce the we now accept payment via crypto currencies. This includes feathercoin, so please show your support and consider them for your next purchase.
As promised last week this is now going to be a regular section of the news letter, we are still working away in the background to bring you a new section of the site to provide a merchant directory, and will keep you updated with progress as we work out some of the finer points.
You can find the last official newsletter here: Unstoppable. Today special thanks go to @Uncle_Muddy and @ChrisJ for their contributions to this newsletter.

You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook or come on to the forum to stay up to date.

Thank-you for your time.